A new Broch to be built?

An amazing coincidence…..After reading in the Sunday newspaper about the proposed construction of a replica Broch in Caithness then by complete coincidence on my daily sort through my digital photos( my resolution is to do at least 50 a day) I was up to the photos from our cruise around the Scottish Islands in 2016 when we visited  Lewis and the ruined Broch at  Carloway as in the blip. 
We also visited the only relatively intact Broch on the small island of Mousa when we were on birding trip to Shetland in 2010. We actually went into the Mousa one at night to see the petrels there .

Very cold and grey today. A quick visit to Bushy Park which is open again revealed very few trees down . It was so so crowded today, I have never seen so many people walking their dogs at around 11am, maybe because Richmond 
Park is still closed?

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