Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Defiantly early

Having become far too engrossed in my book last night, I didn't put the light out till 2am and was very fast asleep at 7.30 when I needed to waken. Despite that, however, we were sufficiently early at church for me to take this photo of the crazy rhododendron outside the Rectory - far beyond reach of anyone mad enough to try to prune it, it's blooming away as if there had been sun or something. It's always early, but it seems particularly mad given the current run of storms, somehow. 

I suppose my pal Di and I were pretty mad going out for a walk this afternoon, when the next storm - what are they calling it? - started stirring up the hail showers. At least she had the excuse of a dog needing exercise ... Anyway, we bashed up Glen Massan to the lip of the corrie and back, marvelling at the appearance of the considerable waves of hail coming over the hill and pouring over the forest towards us, like a particularly noisy wave. We got pretty wet, but it was strangely satisfying. 

For dinner we had confit duck legs with duck fat roasties and roasted carrots with clementine and kalonji seeds, followed by a compôte of summer fruits (frozen wonky fruit poached with equal quantities of gin and sugar). I suspect it's just as well I had that walk ...

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