
By ThisSmuts4You

Jewelry Bot by SmutCo

As nano mechanic named Smut toiled on his new invention, the Jewelry Bot 2000, evil was hatching a plan of its own. All Smut wanted was to build a free thinking, polymorphic guardian of princess Cholas' precious gems and jewels, and he did exactly that. After putting the final touches on JB2K, sorcerer Smut laid down his magic mean streak and drifted into a deep slumber. The evil spirit reprogrammed JB to cause havoc and mayhem unbeknown to its recipient or maker. When Smut awoke, he was filled with confusion, worry and skittles. How could a protective sentient being randomly flip to the dark side? He rushed to princess Cholas quarters to find her pet cat dragon had been transformed into a hedgehog hummingbird with a toaster for a head. Check back in for part 2 in our continuing saga...

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