Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The hands of the ancient mariner

I will get into trouble when R sees the title as he is not really ancient.  He is ancient in his experience in sailing though having completed 32 Sydney to Hobart yacht races, numerous return trips (recoveries), international yacht racing and crossing of many oceans.   He told me once how he had accidentally fallen overboard in the Pacific ocean near the Galapagos Islands at night, without a life vest or any means of contacting the rest of the crew.   They didn't hear him calling out and It was nearly half and hour before they realised he was not on board. Equipment was able to track them back on the tack they had come and he was found and rescued.   I can't imagine what it would be like in the middle of the night to be floating in the Pacific ocean with no-one within cooee.

Aside from sailing, he is a skilled woodworker and a great problem solver.  He is not bad at cards either.  I think these hands can really tell a tale or two.

This week I plan to have reviewed all entries and the results should be out on Thursday 24 Feb, AEDST rather than Wednesday.

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