River of Flowers

By doffy

Monday: Casualities of the Storm

When I went outdoors this morning to empty the coffee grounds into the compost I noticed that the large pot with Garrya elliptica ( https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2247336526167932951 ) had been blown over, not a problem it's big enough to be planted in the garden now, the broken terracotta pot will also be put to good use!
The Wild Sea Cabbage was also broken from the parent plant and blown down the path, that will have a new life (lives) - cut into a dozen or so "cuttings" currently in a large pot of water and soon to be planted in individual pots to make new plants ... apart from the one which became part of my dinner this evening :-)
It was very windy all day but no rain - a couple more crocus have opened too.
After a challenging morning of finishing off a finance related thing started yesterday, I had lunch and watched a few episodes of "Gilmore Girls", MrD had a very long day of deliveries.
By evening the weather has calmed down, there's only a gentle breeze and it's not raining ...
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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