
By Eldora19


Not much sleep last night as at 1am the biggest thunderstorm I’ve ever heard or seen struck directly over us. For about two hours we sat and watched the lightning fill the sky, worrying about the trees and livestock. All was fine.

This morning S and I went to the village hall for playgroup. Whilst there I decided that would be the last time we went, I’ve helped keep the group running since S was born and it was a godsend but it needs some new people to take over and that won’t happen if I just stay doing it, S is a bit too old now. I’m going to carry on running my outdoor group for a bit longer though.

We had another beautiful sunny day that felt like spring, we spent lots of time in the garden trying to get S involved in tasks she can help with. This evening we went to the big shop on the island, maybe the most uninspiring place to go buy food but needs must. Here’s a blip of my house from the walled garden.

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