
Way to chilly to venture forth today. Glad I was snug and working from home.

A wee mump* from me. Yesterday blip central introduced a couple of changes. The first one is a change to the home page when you aren't signed in. Hate it. It has a series of images which do nothing to inform the browser what the blip community is all about. Apparently, if you scroll down you can still browse but, honestly who does that? You get to a site, you find nothing of interest....you are gone. A bad move

The second change came in by stealth. Non registered users are now limited in the number of pages they can browse before they have to register themselves. What a pointless exercise from a so called open community.

From the perspective of the browser it's an immediate turn off. Prospective new members may be lost. Not to mention our dearly beloved elderly wrinklies who just don't have the wherewithal to overcome this barrier

From the perspective of blip, as far as I understand, they have loads of browsers adding traffic to their servers so they want to know who they are but, APPARENTLY, they are not going to use the email addresses to target them. Well I for one just don't believe it. All those new names have to be stored somewhere...at a cost and blip are doing it just so they can understand the behaviours of casual browsers? Pull the other one!

End of mump*

So this is my own little dirty protest, in the form of a fleur. Flowers two days in a row....you lucky, lucky subscribers...I spoil you, I know

And I'll tell you what, if the weather doesn't buck up there will be more of it....press the - to unsub if you feel it might tip you over the edge

Mump : a moan

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