Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph


The school teachers here are on strike, that means we have 800,000 school children menacing the streets because their schools are closed. It's a bit complicated but it's about the hours they spend doing what. The government thinks they should be in the classroom and they think they should be preparing. I might well get corrected but I think they teach for 15 hours and prepare for 12 (per week) and they don't want to make that 20 hours teaching and only 7 preparing, which as these signs point out include; parents evenings and working together.

I apologise to non-Blip members for the hassle you are getting when trying to view journals. It is an admin change that has been done in all innocence by the website for statistical purposes but is not widely popular with members. I can see from my own stats (....yes I am that sad) that I have significantly dropped my average today, technically 166 less than usual. Realistically, at the very least, 60.

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