White Scar Cave

Monday 21st February 2022


I had a cosy nights sleep but when I woke up  found there was no power again - no shower, no breakfast!

Due to cold and rain I decided to go down White Scar Cave, having breakfast in the cafe first. I can't believe I've never been down White Scar before. It was amazing. Just after you enter you hear the thunder of this underground waterfall, you then walk along the water course, with the water surging just underneath the open platform. I've never experienced anything quite like it. It was really exhilarating. 

When I came out the sun had also come out and I would have liked to have stayed and photographed around there but thought I had better make my way towards Grange over Sands and do a bit of a recce for this week. 

I stopped at Foulshaw Nature Reserve and spent a lovely 45mins photographing the birds on the feeders, catching them in flight. I then moved on to Cartmel Priory to check their photo policy, just in case we need an indoor option. I then arrived at Thornleigh Christian Hotel, ready to run my second Photography Workshop. There are only two people on the workshop this time and we can use my car so we can be flexible. The weather forecast isn't good though.

I did write this on Monday evening but the internet crashed just as I went to post it!  

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