
Strava Day 269/ 75 Hard Off Phase Day 26. Indoor yoga done, already took a bath and I look decent enough to go outside for a brisk walk. Had a planned blip but B is still asleep so am using this unedited shot to honor B and I's 11th anniversary as a couple.
Framed photo (the one I'm holding) is shot by Pides Aura Jimenez Orata, my good friend from The Pillars (College Publication). Previously mentioned her (just in case anyone's reading my TLDR (too long did not read) entries. She is quite the adventure seeker and loves travel. Grateful for her patience, spirit and for her smile that never leaves her eyes when she talks about Tara and ________, her "princesses." It was shot in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte (B's hometown) using a Nikon D90. Even if she studied film photography and was lost on how to operate the D90, I trusted her just because.
Framed photo of T and me (bigger one) is also shot on a Nikon. It was shot by B when T was barely one. Meanwhile, the one in the circle frame is of T shot by myself (also on a Nikon), when he was almost 2 years old.
From Meditations for Parents Who Do Too Much (Jonathon and Wendy Lazear):

*Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.  -Peter Ustinov

In day-to-day parenting, we sometimes forget that love is a process. We may feel incredible anger toward our children, but we do not stop loving them.
Grateful that I am at home with family, surrounded by nature and definitely for the opportunity to have alone time. Love and light.

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