Valentines Day 1946

What were you doing?

I can tell you what I wasnt doing.....creating a new folder on my Mac!

Other interesting thing (apart from my folder being created)which happened on this day were:

ENIAC, the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer, was introduced to the public by the U.S. Army, in a press conference at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. The world's first electronic computer weighed 30 tons, had 18,000 vacuum tubes, and was 8 feet tall, 3 feet deep, and 100 feet long.[31] One of the computer's first tests was computing trajectories for rocket launching, "completing in ten days a job which would have required three months of concentrated effort by a mathematician".

The Bank of England was nationalised, with the signing of a 250 page bill by King George VI.

Born: Gregory Hines, American dancer and actor, in New York, (d. 2003), and Bernard Dowiyogo, President of Nauru, 1989-95 (d. 2003)

Source: Wikepedia

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