Years Pass Like a Shadow!

6°C  -  31 mph SW Wind Speed  -  48 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  I ordered my cousin Paula R. C Readman’s book ‘Days Pass Like a Shadow’ from Amazon today  -  should get it in a few days time if the delivery man can find my house  -  some satnavs can find me, some can’t:)!  I’ve blipped this old family photo because it seems to fit the title of the book, although maybe ‘Years Pass like Shadows’ would be more appropriate for the photo  -  it was taken in 1946 in Headley, Hampshire, where most of my family lived  -  must’ve been someone’s birthday.  All the adults have passed on now  -  the trousered girl is me, with my cousin, Iris, peeking over my shoulder, and my cousin Gordon sitting at my feet☺  The leggy lady in the middle is my Mum’s youngest sister, Linda, and it was she who gave me the name Rose Marie because that was her favourite film.  Rose Marie was a 1936 American musical film starring Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy, and a great favourite for years. The boys at school were always teasing me with the song  -  or perhaps they meant it☺☺ - here it is thanks to YT!  You'll need to scroll up to 0.48 to hear the important bit☺☺

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