River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Wild Weather …

… very, very windy mixed with rain all day.
Midday I gambled on putting some of the washing outside to dry - it felt a little like an extreme sport, fighting with bathroom towels caught in a gust of wind, winding themselves around me and the washing line and the low branches of the apple tree. I used lots of extra clothes pegs and in spite of showers everything is dry and safely back indoors! I enjoyed a celebratory cup of tea!
MrD had an uneventful day of deliveries and I think he was happy with that :-)
Watched more episodes of “Gilmore Girls” this afternoon, keeping one eye on the weather …
All the fresh air and exercise/excitement has made me very tired - a quiet evening of reading and maybe an early night …
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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