
By wingpig

fret not, sweet sister

Hmmm. I might have to revise my opinion of the sun a little. I fear that its blinding rays have quite poisoned my eyes to the prettiness of the nightlit scene. It took half an hour's concentrated wandering this evening to remember how to see decent potential night-scenes although I now have a few spare for the rest of the week if I get to 9pm without a usable blip again. Did manage to get out at lunchtime but concentrated on walking.

I tend to keep taking pictures of backlit leaves but never use them as the primary blip. Maybe one day I'll find the perfect one. It's getting close to bright-enough-to-capture-random-roadside-tableaux like that but I really need a longer lens (working on it) to do them justice.

Two more days. Hopefully not more than two hours of them will involve re-explaining things to people who really should be quicker on the uptake given their position. I'd also like to quickly thank email for being a quick and easy method of keeping a record of what you've said when people express doubt.
Also: apologies again to the random bloke who spoke at me today. As I said, I've been here so long now that I'm quite unused to strangers (pissed-up jakeys and neds excluded) offering anything more than a suspicious glare, even when they're passing you on the stairwell.Though having said that, the last time I was back at my parents' the people were noticably less greet-a-fellow-cyclisty than they used to be.

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