
By dark

Racing with the Night

Sorry I disappeared again. I've been taking pictures every day, but just having a hard time making myself sit down and load them into the computer. Honestly, I haven't been feeling well - I wake up every morning with a headache, and more tired than when I went to bed the night before. It takes such an effort to even get out of bed in the morning. And with what energy I do have, I've been trying to get the loft finished, and everything unboxed and put away, finally getting things back to normal after the nomadic months at the end of last year. It's close now, and I kept thinking to myself, "Just this one more box, and then you can work on the photos and put something up on blip." But somehow, the boxes just depress me, and I never get it done.

But I think it will be finished soon, and then hopefully things will be better....

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