All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Best Friends

Swimming for Ethan this morning. Different instructor to usual but he still went in happily enough and from what I could see enjoyed the lesson, using the noodle well again. He told me at the end though that his favourite part was jumping in the water!

Went to Sainsbury's with the intention of only buying a few things and came out having spent £75 but with nothing for dinner!

Home for lunch, a sleep for Ethan and then my pal Lesley came round with Logan, who is Ethan's best pal. Ethan was so excited that Logan was coming to play. He usually sees Logan 3 times a week at nursery but as Logan only goes for the funded sessions and they're not on during the school hols, he hasn't seen him for a fortnight. The boys decided they wanted to play out in the garden, which they did, while Lesley and I watched them from the warmth of the conservatory. Funny how kids just don't feel the cold like we do!

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