Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


This place has been changing for a while now. I went on a couple of days ago about the relentless pace and money. It took another big change today.

Not long after I joined there was a call for people to put money in to help keep the place going due to growth at the time. I stumped up my cash and became a "founding member"; no special privileges attached but I felt the place was worth something, the people were worth something. Now I feel it has wandered off in a completely different direction; there are competitions I have grave misgivings about and the promotion of blips and blippers that are what blip want to portray to it's future investors and customers. I don't think me and the people that I seem to have hooked up with are part of that prime blip demographic know. Pity as it always seemed so inclusive.

I'll keep on using the site as I have a "lot" invested in it and I have made some genuinely good friends. What I won't feel now is part of the site. That was made abundantly clear today; this place is locked down, nothing shall stand in the way of being the billion dollar company.

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