Snip Snip

Thank you for all the stars for yesterday's windmill!  Much appreciated.

AW needs only five minutes to cut my hair, even less.  Thought I'd wash it first, and then decided that there would be less to wash if he snipped off a bit beforehand.  It was way down to the lowest part of my back.  My head feels a lot lighter now.

There is a lot of analysis on the war going on right now on Dutch TV and online.  Everyone is trying to decipher what Moscow Mig's next move will be.  It's anyone's guess, and I have a guess, too, but I am discussing that only with AW, not because it's top secret but because that is not the kind of thing one wants to read here.  Unbelievable, but there are also some people still who want to believe he can be reasoned with, who want to identify who and what to blame, and also some who are in complete denial.  All of that won't change a thing, of course.  What I think is that there are those who know him a little better than most of us, and they are the ones working hard behind closed doors, and maybe even behind enemy lines.  If they'll come up with something is a big question mark.

One day at a time.  One thing at a time.  Keep one's own house in order.  One day this will also pass.  I'm sure of it.  How long yet?  My crystal ball isn't saying.  It's not in denial but it's trying to do what's best for me.

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