A bit late

I know I am behind with photos of Snowdrops, but we managed at last to get to Acorn Bank to see them. Only just in time, as they are on their way out and daffodils are getting ready to take over. They still looked good anyway. 

A lovely day with sunshine and blue sky - no rain, no wind! Even the snow on the hills, which fell in the night, had melted after a few hours. We had planned to walk by Ullswater, but had not anticipated just how many people were around, so we abandoned that idea and went back to Rheged. An excellent brunch and a look round the Great Print 7 exhibition, which was also excellent (see Extra). But what really made my day was finding the Design Shop next to the Gallery, which has so much in the way of art materials, books and craft items and has amazingly . . . PaperMill paper. 

For many years now I have mourned the loss of the PaperMill shop where one could fill a box with all kinds and colours of paper. Well, it was there - much reduced, but still it had all the paper I wanted and I soon filled a box. Now I look forward to taking Ella to this treasure trove. 

We ended our trip by walking through the woodlands at Acorn Bank. Lots of Snowdrops, lots of sunshine and no one else around.   

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