
By Eldora19

The bay

A very positive experience at the dentist for S this morning who told her that her teeth were ‘perfect’. I felt so proud of how confident she was talking to the dentist and sitting up in the chair by herself and doing exactly what she was asked without me saying a lot. Next we went to an art gallery cafe with friends that looks over the bay for tea and cake, we were too early for lunch. Back to our friends house for some soup and a quick play before I dropped S off at my mums so that I could go home for an outside work meeting in the cold rain. Back home now and heading back to mum’s for a takeaway shortly before she heads down south to see my sister who is about to have her first baby.

On the way to the dentist I cried listening to a Ukrainian woman on radio 4 telling the presenter about her family house being bombed. I have made a conscious decision not to ‘doom scroll’ the various news channels as the war unfolds in Ukraine. Instead I’ve decided to listen to the BBC Newscast and Ukrainecast podcasts to get a summary of what’s going on each day. It’s a very privileged position to be in, choosing to opt out of bad news, but if I can’t function properly because I’m consumed by grief and dread then I’m no good to anyone.


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