Morning Nero!

I stayed at Daughter Number 2's last night so I could continue my paper round today but didn't sleep much as Baby J saw every hour (post jabs, teething, late afternoon sleep!) and Nero likes to sleep on your chest and paddle your face!!! And this is what I woke up to this morning...... her staring right in my face!!!!

After a cuddle and a play with Baby J, I got off to work and managed to get it all finished by 1230. I delivered left over leaflets back to the yard and headed back to Lady Lindas for a well earned shower and food!!

I'm not sure about this paper round thing. It doesn't earn me much money but it gets me out and actually helps me face a few of my fears. I'm not the most confident of people and hate the thought of being watched. Of course I assume that every single household is watching me walk up their drive and are judging me..... but unlikely. I felt more confident on this round than last but is it really for me?? Mr W says I don't need to work and I'm incredibly lucky to be in that situation but feel I should do something.

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