Little boy blue

A very early blip today as we are having a family day together when the Jedi wakes from his nap. 

I have known for a while now that Carson is autistic, and a couple of months ago I asked his health visitor to come out and do a developmental check with him. He scored way off the charts on the whole autism front and has been referred to quite a few professionals. Occupational therapy, pediatrics, community nurses, a early educational visitor referral has been put in so that by the time he starts nursery he will have the right kind of support. He is very different to Xander. If Xander had been diagnosed the year before his diagnosis he would have been diagnosed as having Asperger's. But Carson is very different. Apart from his lack of speech, he doesn't interact with people unless it's on his terms. You could say his name fifty times to him and if he is absorbed in his music he won't even acknowledge you. He doesn't acknowledge many people close to him. Nana being a example. The way the speech therapist put it is " that even mum isn't important to him unless it benefits him, not because he doesn't love me but because most of the time he's in his own wee world. 

I haven't told many people about Carson. Not because I'm ashamed but because some people can be so judgemental. The first word's from a family member was " why do you keep giving birth to kids with autism". I felt quite angry and sad at that. And I was hoping that family would be the support that I needed. I have found that support in friends from blip. Who let me offload to them my worries and fears and when I'm generally annoyed with people and their comments or how bloody long waiting lists are to see professionals face to face. So thank you to them. 

I will do everything I can to help the Jedi on this path that he has to take. One thing for sure is is that he is the most cuddly and happiest of my wildlings. And I absolutely love our time in the morning when he sits on my knee and cuddles in. 

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