tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Kid sister

Granddaughter K has turned three (!) and her birthday party was held at a farm park near Cardiff.
It was a great hangar of a place full of families on a half-term outings. Obese sheep, bored cows  and somnolent pigs were imprisoned in concrete-floored pens while stressed (possibly sedated?) rabbits and guinea pigs were  available for petting in open cages. Reminders to Wash Your Hands were everywhere. I do wonder what all this teaches children. I grew up around free-range animals and we never washed our hands. We learnt to be cautious. A horse stepped my toes, geese were a cackling nightmare and dogs could never be trusted.

Today, the baby goats were the only creatures to express much joie de vivre, apart from the human kids having fun on the play equipment and the miniature train rides.

Nine month old A was entranced by a goatlet when her big sister came to check on her and to give her face an affectionate pat. So caring!

Many thanks for all the thoughtful comments on my last blip. We continue to monitor the agonising events in Ukraine.

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