The Rodenburger Windmill, Leiden

Should the local cafés serve 'rodenburgers'?  Maybe they do!
Rodenburger is actually the name of the polder.  Before this mill, an earlier windmill helped drain it but lightning burned this previous mill down completely, so this was meant to replace it.  Not long after, though, electricity was introduced, and you can guess the rest.  Yes, it's a fairly recent structure -- 1893.

The third windmill in Leiden, and a handful more to go.  This was actually the very first one in Leiden that I wanted to shoot, but I was not sure last year that I could park in the area.  Still wasn't sure today, so I prepared another target, but that would have meant a long walk in town, so I thought I'd pass by this one again and really look for a good spot in the area, and bingo, there it was, right beside the block of flats.

Sadly, the numerous blocks of flats, although not higher than four floors each, plus several trees and other suburban features, have lowered the value of this windmill.  Its function is now not much more than decorative, even though its gears are still regularly oiled and general maintenance is ongoing.  Wouldn't want to be scratched off the subsidy list, would we.

Extra 1 -- how it looks from its other, whiter, side.
Extra 2 -- a little toy-like mill right beside it!  Also visible in the main shot.

Supermarket errands, some gaming, more outlining, and housework.  Our friend in AMS, Marie, who suffered that horrific spell of COVID 1.5 years ago and has had several operations since then, including a recent breast operation to take out some thankfully benign tumours, is doing well, and she and AW played bridge online for the second evening in a row.  So so so glad for her that she's okay, but also for AW because she's the best bridge partner he's had for the past 16 years.

There's light at the end of the tunnel far away at the border.

PS.  As of 16.45 NL time, I have 7 stars... but only 5 views.  Isn't that strange?  Usually it's the other way around.  No existential angst, don't worry, it's just such a curious thing.  Because how can you leave a star if you don't view the post. ;D))

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