Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

The Aliens Have Landed

The Mistress took this earlier this morning - she remembered this not far down the road so decided to go and blip this this morning. She tells me it's not far from the Spybase. She tells me this is a part of an Alien spaceship which was sent down to investigate the spybase, but it was seen and shot down before it could destroy us.

The spy people took everything away for research, leaving just this in the field as a warning to other aliens not to try the same thing. Twenty years later, it is still intact but rusty. Leaving it there has obviously worked as the Aliens have not been back.

I was a bit scared taking this photo - kept looking out for Aliens but I didn't see any. I asked the Mistress what they would look like. She said I would recognise them straight away and not to worry too much as the Spybase would protect us.

It seems so plausible - but I think the Mistress might be pulling my lens!

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