Not Quite to Plan

Woke up with a very swollen base to my thumb. As the thumb was not very keen to work I thought it best to get it checked. Fortunately Malton has an urgent care centre and can X-ray too. 

Unfortunately the thumb base is fractured and slightly displaced! Not really what I wanted to hear. So plaster cast on and a referral to see an Orthopaedic specialist. On the plus side that was all I injured in the fall which apparently is similar to skiing injuries. 

Had to wait for R to catch a bus so he could drive back. So went on a blip hunt. This Yorkshire Pudding Recipe came to the rescue. However it is nothing like the puddings I make which are individual and not made from dripping.

Good news when I got back that I was first W65 over the two days despite having less than perfect runs. Good job I kept going.

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