Beach find

After I'd taken Berry for her walk I did some litter picking off the beach. I've a big supermarket bag and it didn't take long to fill, mainly fishing gear in the form of netting that has degraded down into short lengths. I reckon I covered about 4m² max to get a bag full; given the beach is about ¼ mile long it could feel like I'm making no impression but even if it's a bit paltry, at least I'm doing something.

One of the advantages of going around with eyes down is spotting the lovely shapes and colours of more attractive things. I took a photo of the remains of a dead bird's spine; wonderful articulation and natural engineering (extra) but I loved the scallop shell and its accessories so that's the main blip.

Home to housework and researching bits for golf. I'm trying to find a way of getting a signed £5 note into a lump of acrylic which can become a golf trophy. There are magnetic photo/note frames but if anyone knows of a company that can make something more permanently embedded I'd love to know! There's a company here that can do the engraving but I need the item first!

So that took up a huge lump of time that I hadn't bargained for, but at least the house is slightly less full of dog hair and mud than earlier.

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