Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Sunrise & Sunset

Our group had a lazy day and the house setting off about 1pm to Vic (Iceland) where the winds were horrendous. On the journey there it was interesting to see that a lot of snow had melted. We had planned the 1hr trek to the 'crashed plane' but the blizzard and melting ice made progress difficult so we soon returned to the car and visited The Stacks of which the extra shows a derelict barn at Dyrholaey Nature Reserve.
The other extra is sunrise opposite our house just of the 1 ring road at j208 (South Iceland) and the main is sunset further up the 208 road into Hrifunes Nature Park. It's of a quaint red roofed church, so nice I've included some extras of it!

We cancelled going out in search of the Northern lights late this evening as there's a storm and the whistling sound of the wind around the house just makes you want to stay in and warm!

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge

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