Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


It's was a day of finally.

First was finally making it to junior parkrun. It was our third time but we hadn't been since I think August so a long time, but the urchin had never forgotten and kept asking when we could go again.

He has proper running trainers now and I got him a barcode bracelet. I am glad that he likes it and we will be going back again next week. I have also promised him that I will get better and he won't have to keep waiting for me so much.

On a positive note, I survived. I did better than I thought I would. Its given me hope that just maybe I can remember how to the running thing, I really do miss it.

Then the next finally was making the walk to the viaduct. It's recently been opened as a foot and cycle path. I have been intrigued by the structure since we first moved here so it was great to finally make the walk.

Bennerley Viaduct is a grade 2* listed railway viaduct built in 1877 by the Great Northern Railway Company. At over quarter of a mile long, it is the longest wrought iron viaduct in the country.

But omg by the time we got home my legs and well everything just hurt.

Out of practice.

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