Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


major assignment due at 23.59 tonight and I have just submitted it.

We had to analyse a major film script in terms of genre, character development, plot, catharsis. And describe the role of the screenwriter within the creative team. Appropriate script layout and initial plot structure and development

I picked the film Five Easy Pieces and wrote 1800 words. I am pleased with my submission. The start of submission is my blip (only photo taken today).

Busy day at college plus for Communications Module, each student had to attend a mock interview to help us when applying for jobs. We had to write a letter of application enclosing a cv. We had to be well groomed and take it seriously. I was doing really well until the interviewer asked me what cameras had I used in college? The correct answer would have been Panasonic and Black Magic. And for some crazy reason I said Panasonic and Black Velvet.. how could I make such a bad mistake!

I am nicely tired and having a cup of peppermint tea before I go to bed


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