Look into my eyes...

"Let's get one thing straight, I'm not happy with these trips to the vet!"

We had a quick trip to see Merry's regular vet this morning for a $90 antibiotic shot. Her liver specialist requested that we try two antibiotic shots that each last 2 weeks. There is a chance that they may do something to help her high liver enzymes. Honestly, she is the most relaxed cat once at the vets, it's just the shock of seeing the case and getting popped in. I don't blame her, but there is now ay around it. It as an in and out trip, I waited in the car, they took her in and a tech administered the injection. She came home to a treat of cheese and a tiny dish of vanilla ice cream, her favorite.

We're heartbroken for the people of Ukraine and feel so powerless. We've donated, but how can this be happening to a sovereign nation? The Russian people are held hostage as well by the actions of this deranged autocrat. How can we stop this cascading terror?

For the Record, 
This day came in sunny and a bit colder than yesterday with scattered flurries while we were at the vets.

All hands very upset. 

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