Self-Sacrifice is the Way

Got wet this morning taking phtos in the rain - yes, a bit more rain! Will put one of the garden in extra (still need to prune the rosemary). But decided to join in with the challenge to show solidarity with Ukraine - our peg bucket and washing bowl were perfect. Hate having the plastic, but they were here among the junk when we got the place, and doesn't feel ecological to get rid of them and buy something more ecological!

Glad we don't have a telly, so not constantly following the awful scenes in Ukraine, but the thing that really upset me today was a video of a small Russian girl sobbing behind bars - behind bars!!! - for having placed flowers in front of the Ukrainian embassy. She was about the age of my grandson, seven or so.

Lent verse today is Luke 9v24:
Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you?

As with yesterday's verse, obviously apt for any of us, but are you listening, Mr P? This is what following the man on the cross is about.

- rain, 3-4mm, every drop precious
- my long and lovely clothesline, and getting a wash out and dry, even with rain; there was so much wind, it dried quickly
- seeing my grandkids on FT, safe and happy in their own home, talking about books, with both parents (and their uncle); praying this to be true for all the Ukrainian and Russian kids asap (and all over the world, actually)

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