Into The Unknown

By lindastuff


I LOVE using my sewing machine. My Mum taught me how to make clothes when I was a teenager as clothes were expensive then and I could make a mini skirt from a yard of fabric in an afternoon, ready to go out in the evening, usually on the back of a scooter - no helmets then.
Anyway, it's quite pricey to buy fabric and patterns now but the British Sewing Bee programme has made me want to make something again. We have a wedding to go to so I may have a go at making a dress. May not end up wearing it though :)
I have never read the instruction manual so today I have been going through it- and I have discovered that this machine does amazing things!!

The boot came off today so I can now venture into town to have a look at patterns. It's so good to have a new foot and no heavy boot at last. Hooray!

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