
A very Handsome Cat.
Three of us prepared a picnic and headed off to see an elderly friend who was staying with her daughter on Exmoor.  I plugged the postcode into SatNag and we headed off.  SatNag was having a bad day and took us down some very interesting routes.... getting bit concerned I stopped, tapped the postcode in again and can only think I must have selected an incorrect one because she then said "Do a U-turn". and took us off in quite a different direction! Ooops.  We saw villages and lanes (can't call them roads) that we have never seen before nor will again, but we got to our destination just in time for a lovely lunch. Weather  has been wonderful. Spring has sprung - so many snowdrops and tiny daffs (tete a tetes) in the hedges - delightful to see. 
Bertie owns the home where we went to visit...... He is lovely and even though is out in the wilds, leaves the birds alone, though he does torment the pheasants by sitting near where they come to feed. . . . so they dont!
Comical to watch.

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