Life Savors

By osuzanna


I have found these Red-bellied woodpeckers to be very skittish, staying very high in the trees and often requiring a very long lens to get a shot.  Today, however, at the local play park, there was a frenzy of preschoolers and their parents attending a nursery school open house (outside covid style, I guess).  We took our granddaughters there for an outing not quite expecting so many kids.  Many of the kids had bought snacks with them, much of which landed on the ground, to the delight of the nuthatches and woodpeckers.  Apparently, they really like Pepperidge Farm Goldfish. 

We have had #3 son and his family here for 4 days, so it has been full-on and I have not had time for much besides playing with the girls and cooking.  Hope to backblip some of the photos I took of them in the next few days.   For the time being, I am exhausted. 

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