
By Wildwood

An Uplifting Sculpture...

....outside a nearby establishment called the Kenwood Restaurant. We drive by it all the time but on this warm summer spring day the wings positively beckoned (if, in fact, wings, even sculptural ones, can be said to beckon). OilMan refused to pose--apparently he felt in no need of uplifting, so he took the picture of me attempting to fly...

Perhaps OilMan was preparing for the less uplifting task facing him...a conference call in his position of eminence grise to younger OilPeople. I can tell by the tone of his voice that he doesn't think much of what he's hearing. I guess since he's the eminence grise he is supposed to sound patient and controlled. It's clearly a struggle. Perhaps he'll be ready for a trip back to the wings when he's finished, because I'm pretty sure he'll feel the need of uplifting....

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