Carpe diem

By EveryDayMatters

Cisse so Close

Cisse so Close

Everyone's hopes lay with Cisse grabbing a couple of goals for the 'Toon'. He came close, had 2 disallowed goals for offside (correct decisions unfortunately), then scored with 20 minutes to go. Newcastle were in with a chance. They came close a few more times, but it was not to be. Benfica, the much better technical team, won and move on to the semi-finals of the Europa league. The 'Toon' on present form would not have gone much further anyway, so they can save their energy for the Tyneside derby match against 'the Mackems' at the weekend; a very important relegation fight with much to lose for either side.

Football is a funny old game. You either love it or hate it, and sometimes have both emotions at the same time.

Still, it keeps your mind off Thatcher's 'reification' as a great leader, or North Koreas rapid descent to a metaphorical lepper colony in the eyes of the world. Perhaps they need Thatcher reincarnated as Kim Jong-un, or spookily, perhaps she already has! I claim the film rights for this horror movie here :)

Football and Politics - What have they ever done for us?

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