Day Today

By Feathers14

This Is Not An Asian's Journal

A nod to Zhe's Blip journal: This is not a journal

And I know, not all Asians take pictures of their food! It's just a stereotype - I'm not racist...

What is this?!?! What this is, is homemade sushi - hiding chopped cucumber inside - garnished with avocado and served with steamed cod marinated in homemade sweet and sour soy sauce topped with fried ginger, chili and spring onions. Yeah... Student living. Eve can really cook (the downside is that she knows she's good :P).

I'm sorry, Mum, but with cooking like this, how can you expect me to ever come home?

Today I packed up my stuff from home (I still hate packing) and travelled back to Uni, dropped off my things at home, met Flex (real name Felix) for a coffee in Costa - he's just started Blipping too, so stop by and say hi - and then jumped on a bus to Leam to see Eve.

It feels different, good different, being back at Uni now. I feel like this year has flown by super quickly, but that I'm ready and prepared for the final stretch. God knows why I feel that as I have a whole load of revision to do and the small matter of a project to finish, but I feel that way.



In no way can this picture convey the deliciousness of the meal. However, the composition (I like the repetition of the parcels of food on the plates) is none-too-shabby in this, me thinks. Obviously you are all free to feel otherwise. Colour editing still makes me feel weird, I just don't trust my eye enough to know if the colours are true or not, and this bothers me. Are they over/under saturday on your screens?

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