Light On Beak House Ponds

There was a bitterly cold wind at 8.30 this morning when we started our round but the golfing gods seemed to be smiling on me when I chipped out of a bunker to six inches from the hole for a par. Later on in the round I managed to putt in from off the green for a birdie - if the ball hadn’t hit the flag and dropped in, it would have gone a long way past the hole! I was going to stop after 11 holes again but, as my luck seemed to be in, I decided to finish the round and, despite making a mess of the 16th and 17th, I ended up with my best score in ages.

This afternoon we collected Sophie from school for her dance class, then Kate,Joel and Chris joined us for a meal at a local restaurant as a sort of much delayed birthday meal for me and milestone celebration for Joel.

With Chris feeling under the weather and me just knackered we decided to give Yeovil’s home game against Dagenham tonight a miss. Looks like a good move - we’re already 1-0 down after a few minutes as I type!

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