tiny little daffodil!

Tête-à-tête daffodil blooms! Perfect for Tiny Tuesday. Miniature daffodils. 

When I was a child I got to participate in state writing events. We got compendiums of everyone's entry for the year. There were two ideas presented in the first set that I still remember. In the first story, marriage was for four-year terms. Every four years if you wanted to stay married you had to re-enlist. I still think that is brilliant. 

The other story was about being a teenager in a society with aging demographics and cameras everywhere. Remember, the closest thing to a notion of a cell phone then was a Star Trek tricorder. Now we have cameras everywhere, and they are using them to great effect in Ukraine. 

Even if people in Russia are currently denying that they are at war and their military is attacking civilians, they have friends and family telling them the truth and sending video, further supported by not being able to use Mastercard, eat McDonald's, or buy Este Lauder. 

But Putin is brilliant, so is he untouchable? 

He sure screwed this one up.

And now we have banned imports of Russian oil, natural gas, or coal. The three companies called out by a professor for still doing business in Russia, McDonalds, Starbucks, and Coca Cola, have all said they will stop. 

I tried the cotija cheese tonight in a refried bean burrito. Yes, it was delicious, but it would have been even more delicious with even more cotija. And finishing the prep by frying the burrito - this is a taste of heaven. 

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