
Breathtaking in more ways than one.

We walked out first thing, having docked in Alta overnight. The dock itself is a concrete busy place but walk 5 minutes, and the scenes are breathtaking. It was -7 degrees when we left.

We climbed up to Korsa, which is where that high mast is on the left of the photo. Again, without snow spikes, the climb up and down was breath-taking and a little nerve racking, but the scenes at the top were also breathtaking. Spectacularly so. I actually found the walk down alarming but we took it slowly and tried to slide down where we could.

I need to try and add some extras.

We got back to the boat to thaw out and then headed off on another included tour for more sight seeing, including the Northern Lights Cathedral and the Alta Museum which is really interesting.

In the Cathedral, made of Titanium, the architect and designer wanted his bronze Jesus to be looking up to Heaven, rather than looking down which is more normal in statues and pictures. He believed it would lead others to consider hope and salvation! Loved that.

Overnight, we had another breathtaking awesome display of the Northern Lights, so we were up and out on deck at 1am. Brrrrr. This time, we could see them with the naked eye, not just through a camera lens. What a blessing!

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