Embroidery pattern - la biche

I've been going through my mother's embroidery pattern's and taking photos of anything I liked:  birds, flowers, a bow and this little doe.  I remember this on bibs when I was a child.  She loved doing embroidery.  I opened the photo in Procreate and drew it and then transferred the drawing to Photoshop.

One of the songs she used to sing to me was  Une Chanson Douce  

Une chanson douce
Que me chantait ma maman
En suçant mon pouce
J'écoutais en m'endormant .....

(A gentle song 
that my mother used to sing to me
Sucking my thumb 
I listened as I fell asleep )

It's all about a Knight who saves a little doe (Une petite biche) from the wolf.  Lyrics

Feeling a little nostalgic as my mother's birthday is 13 March.

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