Scottish Riviera

We went across to Aberdour on the train - first time I'd been there rather than driving through. D was getting waves of memory of childhood excursions to the Silver Sands. However, the cliff path was closed due to....something, I forget....and the castle was closed due to the ongoing HS mullarkey. And the weather was quite bracing. There was a sign just off to the right of where D's standing in this photo saying 'Scottish Riviera'. Aye, right.

We eventually made our way down to the hotel on Hawkcraig point where we were meeting up with I and V, D's Inchcolm colleagues, for lunch. We had a good feed and plenty of blether, gazing out of the window at Inchcolm from time to time. We had a look at the Silver Sands on the way back to the station - D said he was surprised at how small the beach was, remembering it as a huge expanse from when he was wee.

Edit: Just remembered that I took a photo of a display in an (architect's?) window that I thought Mr Smith would appreciate......see extra.

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