The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Kilt shopping

A boy about to turn 21 and we go shopping to buy the kilt for his adult life events. Of course you go to the best.
M.B.E. Janet Eagleton has had Russel Crowe kneeling on the floor of her shop, but treats everyone the same. " I didn't know who he was so he just got served the same as anyone else."

Samuel L Jackson, Billy Connolly and many others that I didn't know.
She told my boys how kilts can be folded to give differing coloured kilts from the same tartan. She is a craftswoman who has been well recognised and deals with the "Toffs" and the students to make their individualised kilts .

Tomorrow we go to actually buy it.

Money does seem to be dripping through my fingers.

The bathroom work is ordered and I need to go and order the furniture to put in it.

I need to start making more money.


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