
The second day of promotions committee, and we managed to finish by 4.30 today so that gave me time to catch up on emails and do some other stuff before home time. Love the late afternoon light at this time of year, and how the church down the road glows in it and reflects on the windows.
As I walked home I spied C and H having a drink at 56 North and they beckoned me in….had some jolly chat and gossip which was fun.
None of us could be bothered to cook this evening so we popped round the corner to the Thai street food place and devoured various spicy platefuls, chatting about what our Desert Island Discs choices would be.
Home and I decided to do a bit of reading in bed then was just slipping into sleep when P called to say he’s not been well and that the Dr’s sending him for a scan at the end of the month.

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