Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Up before 8 to phone the dr, to find that he didn't have a surgery in the morning, so had to phone back for the afternoon surgery. 
I've progressively been getting lower in mood each day. Today no different. 
Nipped to Sainsburys reluctantly to get food, as I had nothing . Put a hoodie and joggers over my pj's. 
I don't want to go out, I'm quite happy to stay in and be on the sofa. 

I sorted my flowers and all these petals fell, still got lots in the vase too. 

Got hold of the dr late afternoon. He isn't worried that I still have a sore stomach. It will take time. For the first time in 6wks my bloods have come back normal, so that is something. No biopsy result yet. 

I've to try and eat more varied food, but I don't know what that would be, I know what food works and agrees with me, but I do agree that I am probably not getting enough nutrients into me.  

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