Window Seat

I popped into Cambuskenneth Abbey for a photoshoot with Corrie this morning. My luck was in - Corrie was in the mood (if he wasn't it would have been a non-starter) and a crowd of 15 tourists had just left and we had it all to ourselves.

It's quite dark in there, so I lit it Yongnuo style with a globe diffuser and widened the field of view with my old Olympus WCON-08B adapter (best ebay £10 I've ever spent). With a small aperture, there's virtually no edge distortion at all and image quality is unaffected - I've seen worse on a £400 Canon super-wide lens. There are a few going on ebay UK today - probably go for about £20 each. It's a 62mm thread, but I mount it on my 37mm olympus pen lens with step-adapters no bother - though it does look ridiculously big.

Low light meant a wide aperture with this shot and it's a bit noisy at ISO 1600 so I could keep Corrie fairly sharp, but this is uncropped - go to the edges on the large version to witness how little edge distortion there is on this lens adapter - this is as bad as it gets at the widest aperture. I've had quite a few and even the top quality Nikon and Sony ones have been awful in this respect. This olympus adapter has been hard to fault on both my olympus and Pentax kit lenses.

This started as a diary blog and turned into an optic-geek review ... sorry about that :-)

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