Toad Patrol

A fairly non-eventful day - an early morning trip to Oundle to drop Alex at work, followed by a day of report writing and some food shopping. 

The highlight was our evening meal - a delicious Butternut Squash, Lentil, Spinach and Coconut Curry with a crunchy salad and Pete's home-made Lentil Pancakes. My intermittent fasting and healthy eating is definitely having benefits - I've lost just over a stone since January without counting a single calorie or excluding anything from my diet. 

Just before bed Pete and I took the bright torch out into the garden to find out what was eating our daffodil flowers. We found huge numbers of slugs, their numbers boosted after a wet summer and a mild winter - the blooms don't really stand a chance. 

But we also found a small horde of Common Toads crawling resolutely towards our pond, through the grass, along the paths and on the patio. Pete counted twenty-nine, though the actual number is likely to be much higher. Hopefully, they'll  soon start eating some of our surfeit of slugs!

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