
By dfb24

It looked so inviting...

...to sit on the bench up on the bluffs and look out over the lake, but nobody sat down--probably because it was only 11 degrees (-11 C). The white you can see about mid picture is the snow and ice on the tops of the rocks that form the outer harbor. It's the only snow left in our area so Spring is trying to arrive in spite of the low temps. I had a great time with Mae, who stayed with me last night. She asked if we could do "something special" today, so I asked her what she had in mind. She said: "Can we go to the carwash"?  (NOT what I was expecting). I asked if she was kidding; she said no, that when we went last time it was so exciting...like being in a cave with monsters!  So we went to the car wash--not a problem, as my car WAS filthy-- and when we came out on the other end, she said: "That was SO fun! Let's do it again"!  It made me laugh because she thinks it's some kind of amusement ride. Instead of going through again we went out to lunch, then "shopped" at the dollar store as she'd asked for a fan & sure enough, they had one....for a dollar! Can't beat the price!    :)

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