thank you for your kind wishes for mum……we had a short facetime, the carer’s way to show me mum only has a cold …..i am so glad…..

Last night i heard my niece had a near lethal accident, with her 10 yr old daughter in the car…..she apparently had, what hospital later suspected, an epileptic fit, the car drove through a hedge and stopped a few inches from a house, it hit the drainpipe…..she wasn’t aware but my great niece was of course and tried to wake mer mum, because there was smoke in the car, from the airbags,….she has flashbacks……and will need counselling……

Both were brought by ambulance to hospital for thorough tests…..and were allowed home….of course my niece isn’t allowed to drive at least for 3 months…..

I facetimed with my niece….how wonderful we have that technology……

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